The Surprisingly Simple, 3-Step Guide to Jumpstarting Your Life

MJ Benvegnu
5 min readSep 11, 2022

All of us feel a little overwhelmed at times by day-to-day life. It can be draining, daunting, and discouraging — you name it. So it’s natural to seek a formula or “how-to” guide to help us regain control and value in our sometimes chaotic existence.

You’ve probably seen many blogs offering a step-by-step path to better living, working, thinking, or fill-in-the-blank. But don’t these always consist of seven or 12 or even 20 steps? And often multi-part, compound steps at that?

Have you started down one of these paths and gotten lost somewhere between steps eight and nine (or wherever)? Did you find it impossible to follow and track all the components and parts simultaneously? And finally, did you get discouraged or disillusioned and simply give up?

But is three steps enough?

And yet, how can you possibly jumpstart your life with only three simple steps? Don’t life’s challenges demand a complex approach with many steps, stages, phases, or components to achieve higher productivity or greater happiness? Or do lengthy 10- or 12- step how-to posts reflect our tendency to overthink things or seek complex answers when a simple one will do?

If three steps might seem inadequate to the many demands and concerns of day-to-day life compared to most how-to posts, consider the following. For one, the number three has been a powerful symbol throughout history. It has often been said that good things come in threes, and the number three has been historically associated with optimism, creativity, and communication.

We can look to Occam’s Razor for guidance. It states that the simplest solution is often the most effective, so it follows that a 3-step method to a better life works better than one with ten or more steps. Philosophers, scientists, and mathematicians agree that “simple” works. Stress can shorten your attention span.

Please also note that these steps are not in any particular order but should be pursued simultaneously for full effectiveness — even simpler. With that in mind, let’s look at the first step.

Step 1 — Take care of yourself.

We can sabotage ourselves by not fully caring for our bodies and minds. We can forget or simply not make the time to do the things that keep us healthy. Sometimes, stress is the culprit, and we can let ourselves lapse into bad habits that can sap our resilience.

But to live our best lives, we must take proper care of ourselves physically through exercise, adequate nutrition, sufficient sleep, and appropriate healthcare when needed. Think of it as an investment in yourself and your future.

We should pay attention to emotional and mental well-being as well. Take the time to meditate, engage in R&R occasionally, and don’t hesitate to seek counseling or other assistance if you are going through a rough patch. It’s worth protecting your emotional well-being and will pay dividends to you and those who depend on you at work or home.

Remember that by taking care of ourselves, we can withstand challenges better and have more energy and a more positive attitude. We can feel like we are chasing life instead of being chased by it. Challenges will be easier to tackle, goals can be more easily obtained, and your general level of well-being and happiness will be higher.

Step 2 — Reject Fear.

We all experience fear at times, in one way or another — it’s just part of the human condition. But to live our best lives, it’s necessary to reject fear whenever possible. Fear can negatively impact our lives by hindering productivity, draining our energy, and eradicating hope. So whenever possible, we should take reject fear and refuse to let it influence our thoughts and actions.

Sometimes it’s not easy to reject fear altogether, and you may find it necessary to seek methods to manage it. Neuroscientists have developed proven strategies for minimizing and eliminating fear, and many can be implemented quickly and without outside assistance. One such method is commitment. You can blunt fear and overcome it by fully committing your time and attention to a goal or activity. With some research, you can find many resources like apps, books, and websites that can help. With so many resources, you are sure to find one that works for you.

Step 3 — Never Waste Time.

It’s sometimes easy to let ourselves slide into bad habits or spend too much time pursuing activities that don’t contribute to our lives in a meaningful way. For instance, time spent in front of the TV or on social media is largely wasted. With determination and curiosity, you can find more productive uses for your time. Even reading a book or taking a walk can be surprisingly valuable.

It’s also important to avoid procrastination. It’s a notorious time-suck that derails your productivity and dampens your mood. For some of us, it’s an easy habit to slide into and a tough one to break. So when you feel yourself slipping into procrastination, catch yourself and take action — any action. The best way to avoid prolonged procrastination is to prevent it from even starting.

There are myriad ways to use time productively — it doesn’t have to be just for work. Time spent developing relationships, pursuing hobbies, or volunteering is also productive. We all have a limited amount of time, so we must use it meaningfully.

This is not to say that we shouldn’t take time to relax or enjoy ourselves. Those activities are also crucial to living a good life, but as the advertisements say, “enjoy in moderation.” “Work hard and play hard” is not a bad life strategy, but balance is essential.

Bonus steps for extra credit

The following are not steps per se but principles or guidelines to live by and add extra juice as you jumpstart your life:

  • Make fun a priority — I can’t stress enough how much easier everything is (even tough stuff) when you are having fun. Pursuing a daunting challenge can be fun, or it can be a reward for conquering one. Either way, make sure you have some fun — life is just too short not to.
  • Have a purpose — People with a purpose can do amazing things and accomplish seemingly unreachable goals. Being deeply committed to something can help you overcome almost any obstacle and get you through rough patches when you want to quit.

Getting Started

We all have times when our lives are not what we would like them to be. Perhaps we feel stuck or overwhelmed and desperately want someone to tell us how to make things right.

And oftentimes, the solutions we week are too complicated to follow, and we find ourselves even more discouraged. But take heart — the path to a better life doesn’t need to be complicated.

So take a few deep breaths, and try this amazingly simple guide. Start slow (or fast if you prefer) and integrate these concepts into your life. You’ll be glad you did.



MJ Benvegnu

Writer, Tech Entrepreneur & C-Level Exec. Based in the woods of East Texas, serial dog owner and frequent internet user. What else would one need?